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The Dodo Blog

Where I Buy My Felting Supplies

Jan 18, 2017


Iā€™m often asked where I buy my felting supplies, because itā€™s not always easy to find a good variety at local shops.

I also know that specific felting supplies is one of the topics I want to talk more about in the near future. So, Iā€™ve created a new video series, called ā€˜Felting Infosā€˜, designed to help you with any questions regarding this topic.

In this first video Iā€™ll go through the suppliers I buy from and why Iā€™ve chosen them.

I hope this video is useful and Iā€™d like to invite you to share any other information you have on good online shops, that can be helpful for feltmakers looking for new suppliers.

And if you happen to have any questions on this (like what soap to use, hot water VS cold water, ā€¦), send themĀ to me or mention themĀ in the comments, and Iā€™ll answer themĀ in one of my next videos.

See you soon!

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Felt BABY BOOTIES Workshop - Now Available

Jan 12, 2017

How would you like to felt your own baby shoes? Because, not only are they completely customizable and made with your own hands, but theyā€™re also made from the biodegradable and renewable material that is wool.

If this sounds good to you, hereā€™s the chance to learn how to felt baby boots is three different sizes: newborn to 3 months, 3 to 6 months, and 6 to 9 months.

This is an intermediate level workshop, so you should have some experience and feel confident with the wool already.

Youā€™ll be felting around a resist, and the project should take you about 2 hours to complete.

Youā€™ll need the usual equipment to wet felt, plus a wool batt and a wool top in your preferred colors (around 50 grams each).

With this workshop youā€™ll get 7 downloadable high definition videos, and a PDF with the templates, all of which you can save onto your computer, and return back to any time you want.

Check out the introduction below, and, if you enjoy the video, please share with your friends!

P.S.: Th...

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Live Workshops Coming Up

Jan 04, 2017


Youā€™ve been asking whatā€™s coming up in terms of felting workshops. Thereā€™s a lot scheduled for the first quarter of 2017, so I thought it could be helpful if I just outline it here, so that you can start thinking about what youā€™d like to do.

Workshops at PANDO (GraƧa ā€“ Lisbon):

  • 28th January, 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm ā€“ Wet Felting with a Resist: Gloves & Slippers ā€“ 50ā‚¬
  • 25th February, 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm ā€“ Wet Felting with a Resist: Bags for Gadgets ā€“ 50ā‚¬
  • 25th March, 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm ā€“ Mixed Technique: Jewelry ā€“ 50ā‚¬

You can sign up for these workshops directly by me.

Workshops at the Museum (AlcĆ¢ntara ā€“ Lisbon):

  • 21st January, 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm ā€“ Wet Felting with a Resist: Gloves & Slippers ā€“ 50ā‚¬
  • 1st February, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm ā€“ Wet Felting: Introduction ā€“ 40ā‚¬
  • 8th February, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm ā€“ Wet Felting with a Resist: Bags for Gadgets ā€“ 50ā‚¬
  • 17th February, 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm ā€“ Mixed Technique: Jewelry ā€“ 50ā‚¬

To sign up for these workshops, please contact the Museum...

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3 Easy Steps To Make A Resist For A Felted Cloche

Dec 15, 2016


A couple of weeks ago, while I was teaching a workshop about hats in Lisbon, I promised to make a short PDF on how to determine the size of a resist for a felted hat, because that kind of information is easy to forget after some time.

I ended up getting carried away and making a video on the subject.Ā So I wanted to share it with you as well. Itā€™s a very short video workshop, that shows you how to make a resist in the right size for a wet felted cloche ā€“ in 3 easy steps:

  1. Measure the head
  2. Determine the shrinkage of the wool
  3. Draw the pattern and transfer it to the material for the resist.

If youā€™re looking for more details on how to determine the wool shrinkage, check out the video I made on it. And thereā€™s also a lot more on the possible materials for a resist on another short online workshop.

I hope you enjoy these and share them with your creative friends!

Youā€™ll probably be busy with all the preparations for Christmas and New Yearā€™s Eve, so Iā€™ll take this cue and go...

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A Bag With Nuno Felt - The NEW LAMINATION Technique

Dec 08, 2016


Today Iā€™ve got something really specialĀ for you.

Iā€™ve been talking about it for a while, but, for some strange reason, itā€™s a project that took me a long time to finish. Anyway, now itā€™s ready and available on etsy, and itā€™s a new video workshop.

But it has a particular meaning to me, because Iā€™ve come up with a NEW TECHNIQUE that solved a problem I had, so it can solve a problem you probably have too.

Iā€™ve combined a couple of techniques that make it possible to attach a difficult fabric onto the wool, when you canā€™t get it to attach with the normal nuno felting technique. If youā€™ve ever felted with difficult fabrics, you know what Iā€™m talking about.

So, as you can see, itā€™s not ā€˜just another workshopā€™. Check out the video below and tell me what you think! šŸ™‚

If youā€™re living or travelling to Lisbon in the next couple of months (I hope so, because Lisbon is a very cool city, and youā€™d have loads of fun!), Iā€™d like to let you know that Iā€™ve updated my workshop calendar. Thereā€™...

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How To Make A Sample To Determine The Shrinkage

Dec 01, 2016

Hi there!

IĀ“ve often been asked how do you make a sample to determine the shrinkage factor in wet felting. Well, thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ll be covering in todayā€™s video.

Itā€™s actuallyĀ very easy. You should make a sample, and measure it before and after felting.

There are three fundamental factors to take into account though:

  1. Use the same type (or types) of wool for your sample and project, since not all wool types have the same shrinkage.
  2. Use the same number of layers and equally thick ones for your sample and project, since the thickness of the layers influences the shrinkage.
  3. Felt the sample and your project to the same degree, since the more you felt, the more the piece will shrink.

Check out the video and let me know if Iā€™ve covered all your questions!

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A Christmas Gift For You!

Nov 24, 2016


Now that Christmas is just a month away, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be thinking about the presents for your family and friends by now.

So, I decided to bring you a simple, but really sweet idea, that you can make for a child. And it's FREE!

Think of it as a Christmas gift for you.


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Something New Coming Up!

Nov 10, 2016

Hey there šŸ™‚

Depending on how much youā€™ve experimented with wet felting, you might have already tried mixing fabrics with wool. If thatā€™s the case, you know not all types of fabric work well for nuno felting.

A couple of months ago I came across a fabric I really liked, but I knew it wouldnā€™t be easy to apply it on wool. I still decided to buy it and went on experimenting, until I found a way to get it to stick!

Of course, I was really excited about it, so Iā€™m preparing a video workshop to show you how I did it. And I hope to have it ready really soon.

In the meantime, Iā€™d like to invite you to check out the video workshops and PDFs Iā€™ve created for you at my etsy shop.

Did you find something youā€™d like to learn? Iā€™ve created a cupon code for my newsletter subscribers. If youā€™re not part of the club yet, join until de 24th of November and get the code for a 20% discount on any product in my shop.

Talk to you soon!

P.S.: Do you have any questions on felting? Is there anything I ca...

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How Do I Know If My Felt Is Ready?

Nov 03, 2016

ā€œHow do I know if my felt is ready?ā€ This is such a frequent question. And itā€™s answered in four words: do the pinch test!

And whatā€™s the pinch test? When you feel your felt is solid enough not to fall apart anymore, you literally pinch the felt between your fingers to check if the fibers are still loose. If theyā€™re not, itā€™s ready for fulling.

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The Right Way To Cut A Wool Top

Oct 27, 2016


So manyĀ people are surprised to find out you shouldnā€™t cut felting wool with scissors. WHY?Ā Well, a neat cut (like the one you get when cutting with scissors) makes it more difficult for the fibers to attach.

Hereā€™s how to cut a wool top in a couple of seconds:

  • Hold your hands apart
  • Pull firmly
  • The wool will separate in the middle

Try it and let me know how it goes šŸ˜‰


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