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A Bag With Nuno Felt - The NEW LAMINATION Technique

Dec 08, 2016


Today I’ve got something really special for you.

I’ve been talking about it for a while, but, for some strange reason, it’s a project that took me a long time to finish. Anyway, now it’s ready and available on etsy, and it’s a new video workshop.

But it has a particular meaning to me, because I’ve come up with a NEW TECHNIQUE that solved a problem I had, so it can solve a problem you probably have too.

I’ve combined a couple of techniques that make it possible to attach a difficult fabric onto the wool, when you can’t get it to attach with the normal nuno felting technique. If you’ve ever felted with difficult fabrics, you know what I’m talking about.

So, as you can see, it’s not ‘just another workshop’. Check out the video below and tell me what you think! 🙂

If you’re living or travelling to Lisbon in the next couple of months (I hope so, because Lisbon is a very cool city, and you’d have loads of fun!), I’d like to let you know that I’ve updated my workshop calendar. There’s a lot of great stuff planned! So go check it out 🙂

And, on a very short notice, I also wanted to tell you that I’m giving a last workshop in Lisbon before Christmas. I’m trying out a new idea. You can make any piece you want, as long as it’s made with a resist. More details on the facebook event page (only Portuguese, sorry. But you can join us, even if you don’t speak Portuguese.) That’s gonna be fun!

See you soon!

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