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The Dodo Blog

Going The Dodo Way Goes Live!

Sep 26, 2018


Itā€™s been such a long time since I last taught a live workshop. Iā€™m a teacher at heart, so interacting directly with my students and having that immediate feedback you get at a live event is something I absolutely love!

Iā€™ll never forget the reaction of a young girl who attended one of my courses on hats and had never touched wet felting before. I was a bit worried that it could become difficult for her, since felting hats can be challenging. Getting the right thickness all over the piece and shaping a more sophisticated form can be tough, especially for someone who has never tried felting. But she told me she was used to trying new materials and it wouldnā€™t be a problem for her if she, for any reason, wasnā€™t able to complete the project. So, I agreed that sheā€™d sign up for the workshop.

If youā€™ve already made 3D pieces, you know thereā€™s a moment in which you take the resist out of the flat piece and start giving it a three-dimensional shape. As she did this, I could see her exp...

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Package ā€“ buy 1 and get 1 FREE

Sep 13, 2018


The summer is over, and the days are becoming shorter again. Itā€™s that time of the year where you want to stay indoors more often, and you feel like getting out your crafting supplies.

You wanna go back to the warmth of the wool and to that feeling of flow that comes from sitting at home and working your materials until they become something entirely different, as if by miracle.

To celebrate this magical time of the year, I created a little package for you, that includes 2 workshops. For the price of one workshop, you can get two.

This is a TIME LIMITED OFFER! So, grab your package now!

Buy 1 and get 1 for FREE ā€“ 13 to 19 September



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Wet Felting With Resists ā€“ Part III

Jul 29, 2018


Hereā€™s the third part of my answer to your question:

ā€œWhat are resists and how do you use them?ā€

If you havenā€™t watched parts I and II, go and check them out. You can find the links below.


You probably already know that wool can actually shrink a lot when wet felted, right?

Like even 30 or 40%, depending on the wool type and how thick your layers are or how you lay the fibers.

So, when designing a resist, you have to plan for this shrinkage.

If youā€™re making a bag or any other object where the size doesnā€™t have to be very precise, you can make your resist and start felting.

But if you want to make a hat or a pair of shoes, then you want to get the RIGHT size, right?

In that case, start by making a sample with the wool youā€™ll be working with and lay it in the way and with the thickness youā€™re planning for your piece.

From this sample you can see how much the wool shrinks, so that you can design a resist for the exa...

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Wet Felting With Resists ā€“ Part II

Jul 27, 2018


Today Iā€™m here with the second part of my answer to your question:

ā€œWhat are resists and how do you use them?ā€

If you havenā€™t watched part I, go and check it out. You can find the link below.


One of the most important things when using a resist is the CHOICE OF MATERIALS.

It has to be something that doesnā€™t felt onto wool, otherwise itā€™ll remain stuck between the layers, instead of doing its job, which is to SEPARATE them.

It should also be flexible enough to work with.

The 3 main materials used are cardboard, thin plastic and floor underlayment.

CARDBOARD is not something I use, because we work with water, so you can only use it once. Itā€™s also not very malleable, so itā€™s a bit hard to work with.

THIN PLASTIC is something I use sometimes. Itā€™s malleable but itā€™s hard to feel through a thick piece of felt. So, I only use it when Iā€™m felting thin pieces.

FLOOR UNDERLAYMENT is my favorite resist material. Itā€™s thicker than plastic...

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Wet Felting With Resists

Jul 26, 2018


Today Iā€™m answering another one of your questions.

Now, Iā€™ve done a couple of videos about resists, but I keep getting questions about them. Because this is such a big and important topic, I keep answering them.

Speaking of which, hereā€™s the question for today:

ā€œWhat are resists and how do you use them?ā€

Now, this question is very likely from someone whoā€™s starting with wet felting and wanting to improve the technique. And this is in fact, one of the most important things to understand.

As Iā€™ve mentioned before, I do have a couple of videos about resists, but I donā€™t think I explain what they are in any of them.

So, thatā€™s what Iā€™m going to do today.


By definition, a RESIST is anything you use between two pieces of wool to avoid that they felt with each other.

A resist is only used DURING the felting process and itā€™s removed after the process is complete. Or rather, before you start fulling.

You can have a resist:

  • for the whole piece (like for a
  • ...
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Fiber Layout In Wet Felting

Jul 11, 2018


As you might know, Iā€™ve been asking you to send me the biggest questions you have on wet felting. Iā€™ve received a bunch of them and Iā€™ll be working on the different topics in the next weeks.

Some of them are great for the free videos and I got suggestions for new courses as well. So, thank you again!

Iā€™m going to start with the ones that are common problems to a lot of people. Today I have a great topic.

I donā€™t know who itā€™s from because it came from an anonymous survey. But itā€™s definitely a common one. And the question is

ā€œHow important is the thickness of the fiber layers when making something like mitts? Is it better to do thin or thick pieces?ā€

No matter if weā€™re talking about mitts, clothes, hats or bags, my answer to this question would ALWAYS be the same.

FIRST ā€“ YOU decide on how thick you want your piece to be.

This will depend on

a) the type of climate youā€™re making it for

b) how stiff or soft do you want your piece to be.

Let me give you an example, so that ...

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Be Part Of The Change

Jul 05, 2018


For those of you who are on my email list, I sent you an email with a link to a survey last week. Itā€™s very short. Just one question.

Iā€™ve been getting a lot of replies. So, first of all, thank you for your answers.

Now, you might be asking whatā€™s the point of this. Well, as I said at the beginning of this year, I want to make a couple of changes to this whole project.

I created GTDW about 2 years ago and Iā€™ve just been making videos and writing blog posts according to what I think might be useful and interesting to you. But, at the end of the day, Iā€™m just guessing.

Now, Iā€™d like to do more than just guess and the only way to do that is by asking you what you want.

So, if you havenā€™t answered yet, please take a look at the email I sent you last week.

And, if youā€™re not on my email list, subscribe now. You only have to fill in your name and email address.

Another way to answer my one question survey and let me know what youā€™d like to see more of, is to follow the link below...

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New Felted Toys And Ask Me Anything

Jun 21, 2018

To complete the collection of play fruit, hereā€™s a second PDF tutorial. This time with peaches, plums, apples and pears šŸ˜Š. Itā€™s already available here.


In the next weeks Iā€™d like to go back to answering your questions. There are some on the list for the next videos already. So, hereā€™s the chance to ask me ANYTHING you want about wet felting! You can leave a comment, use the contact page or write me an email, if you prefer.

No matter whether itā€™s a general question or something about a particular project that went wrong, whether youā€™re just starting with wet felting or youā€™re more advanced. All I ask is that you give me as much information as possible. For example, if your question is about a particular project, adding a couple of photos can help me better understand where the problem is.

Talk to you soon!


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Felted Play Food PDF tutorial

Jun 07, 2018

Today I bring you a new workshop. After being asked for more PDF tutorials, I am now creating some of the ones I had on video in a printable version.

This one is about play food and itā€™s based on a video course I launched last October. You can watch a video about the course here and check out some free videos on the included material here.

With over 140 pages and hundreds of detailed color photos, the PDF tutorial covers citrus fruits (oranges, mandarins and lemons) and berries (cherries, strawberries, blackberries and mulberries), and it includes:

0. Introduction
1. Materials and equipment
2. Making the pre-felts
3. Using leftovers to fill new felt pieces
4. Oranges, mandarins and lemons
5. Strawberries, cherries, blackberries and mulberries
ā€¢ Leaf templates (1 PDF)
ā€¢ Bonus: Basics of wet and needle felting (1 PDF)

This is a beginner level tutorial, so you donā€™t need to have any experience in wet felting. The bonus PDF gives you all the basics and has links to more detailed videos...

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New PDF Tutorial - Bah Bah Tablet Sleeve

May 24, 2018

As you know, I create most of my workshops on video. But Iā€™m often asked why I donā€™t have more PDF tutorials. One of the reasons people tell me they like them is because theyā€™re easier to download and to use.

So, Iā€™m now working on it. Expect to see more PDFs in the next coupe of weeks.

For now, here it is, one of my bestsellers, the Bah Bah Tablet Sleeve as a PDF tutorial, that you can download and print.

Hope you enjoy it!


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