Welcome to the first episode of my new Q&A series.
If you still have trouble finding the right way to make a resist for a 3D wet felted object, this episode is for you.
Today’s question is from Kathryn, from Walla Walla, in Washington state.
And Kathryn writes:
“I am trying to make a wet felted case for my son’s new MacBook Pro computer. I viewed your template making video for the clutch bag – thinking I could use that for my effort.
I made the template and started to lay out the wool and realized that I didn’t know why I needed the top resist.
You have a resist that has a top and bottom, when I thought I only needed the bottom to cover with wool, so that I could make the pocket.
If I don’t intend the top to have a pocket, why do I need the top part of the template?
I ended up cutting the template in half and placing the top part under the bubble wrap to serve as a guide, as I wanted the top to cover the bottom of the bag as I see on your photo.
Can you help me underst...