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The Dodo Blog

How To Make A Resist For 3D Felting

Oct 20, 2016

Hi! I’m back today with a new episode of the How To Series. And this time I’m talking about resists.

If you’re planning to wet felt a 3D object with no seams (like a hat, a bag or slippers), you’ll have to work with a resist.

And if you want to work on a project that’s felted around a resist, you might be wondering how to get the right size, since wool shrinks up to 40% when felted. And you might be asking yourself what material you should make it with? Does this even matter? Well, it does. And I’ll show you why in this video.

Check it out and let me know what you think!



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How Do You Pull A Thin Wool Tuft? A GIF(t) For You!

Oct 13, 2016


If you haven’t been felting for very long, this is probably one of the problems you face: how to pull a thin wool tuft to achieve a good felt?

Because I get this question so often, I decided to make you a short GIF, that shows you everything you need to know in just a couple of seconds.

Here’s what to watch for:

  • the position of the hand holding the wool
  • the position of the fingers pulling the tuft
  • the distance between both hands

So, try it out and let me know if it worked! 🙂

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Open Artists’ Ateliers In Lisbon – 14th To 16th October

Oct 06, 2016

Castelo d’If is organizing the 7th edition of Abertura de AteliĂȘs de Artistas (#7AAA) on the 14th to 16th of October (Friday to Sunday). This is a unique opportunity to go through Lisbon and get to see artists’ ateliers that aren’t normally open to visitors. You won’t want to miss it, if you happen to be in Lisbon!

Check out the list of the participating ateliers here. And come visit us! PANDO is also on the list 😉

⇒ Map to download


A Associação Cultural Castelo d’If estĂĄ a organizar a 7ÂȘ Edição da Abertura de AteliĂȘs de Artistas (#7AAA) de 14 a 16 de outubro (sexta a domingo). Esta Ă© uma oportunidade Ășnica de caminhar por Lisboa e ir espreitando os ateliĂȘs de artistas que normalmente nĂŁo estĂŁo abertos ao pĂșblico. Se estiver em Lisboa nĂŁo perca esta oportunidade.

Pode consultar aqui a lista dos ateliĂȘs que participam nesta iniciativa. Aproveite e venha visitar-nos! O PANDO inclui-se nos ateliĂȘs abertos 😉

⇒ Mapa para descarregar

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Live Workshop In Lisbon – 29th October

Oct 06, 2016

We’ll be back to PANDO (Graça – Lisbon) for another felting workshop on the 29th of October. Bags are the next thing we’re working on. We’ll have fun exploring shapes and colors, decoration with wool and other materials. Will you be in Lisbon? Come join us, even if you don’t speak Portuguese. Just email me for more information.


Workshop de feltragem com ågua e sabão (peças com molde, sem costuras)

Onde? Cowork PANDO – Rua Particular à Manuel Soares Guedes, 7B – Graça, Lisboa

Quando? Såbado, 29 de outubro, das 14h30 às 18h30

O quĂȘ? Pequenas malas e bolsas para gadgets

Preço: 55 euros (todos os materiais incluídos)

Lugares: mínimo de 6 e måximo de 10

InscriçÔes: até dia 27 de outubro, por email ou telefone 96 999 30 44.

Neste workshop vamos trabalhar as técnicas da feltragem sem costuras e desenvolver peças com molde. Vamos aprender a criar moldes com as dimensÔes corretas para o projeto pretendido, uma vez que a lã tem a particularidade de encolher 20% a 40% durante o pro...

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Learn How To Felt A Tablet/Laptop Sleeve

Sep 29, 2016


This is what I’ve been up to in the last weeks. I was working on a new workshop where I include something I absolutely love – sheep locks.

You can get them in their natural colors or dyed in all sorts of different tonalities. They also vary a lot depending on the sheep race and other factors. So, it’s really fun to play with them.

I wanted to include them in a project for a long time. And now the Fall is back to the Northern hemisphere, I felt it was the right moment to suggest a piece using this wonderful product.

The two pieces I show you in this workshop can be used either as a tablet sleeve or a winter clutch. Of course you can also take the idea and make it bigger and thicker for a laptop bag. Another possibility is to give it another shape, add any type of handles, and make a messenger bag, for example.

The workshop Bah Bah Tablet Sleeve is now available and you can download it from my etsy shop.

Check out the introduction video to get a taste of what you can learn in t...

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Make Your Fall More Colorful

Sep 15, 2016

The days are growing shorter and colder. You stay more at home, looking for the coziness of the sofa, a hot tea and a nice book. Yes, Fall is about to start 🙂 In a week, to be more precise.

This is a time of the year I really love. I like the slower pace, and going for long walks to enjoy the colors of the trees and the wind in my face 🙂

Something else I love is to stay home listening to music and experimenting with wool. If you’re reading this post, I imagine you do to 🙂 So – as a kind of Fall celebration – I’d like to invite you to enjoy a 20% offer on any products at my etsy store until the 22nd of September – the day Fall begins this year.

If you’ve subscribed to my newsletter (or subscribe in the next week), you’ll be receiving an email with a code that you can use at my etsy shop for any purchase above 15 euros.


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Live Felting Workshop In Lisbon

Sep 05, 2016

I’ve been sharing information about a felting workshop that I’m organizing for September, the 24th. Since it’s a local workshop (Lisbon), I’ve only posted the information in Portuguese. Still, if you don’t speak Portuguese, but you’re in Lisbon, you’re more than welcome to join us. We’ll be felting seamless jewelry. You can email me for more information or call 969993044.


Workshop de feltragem com ĂĄgua e sabĂŁo

Onde: Cowork PANDO – Rua Particular à Manuel Soares Guedes, 7B – Graça, Lisboa

Quando: SĂĄbado, 24 de setembro, das 14h30 Ă s 18h00

O quĂȘ: Bijutaria sem costuras

Preço: 40 euros

Lugares: mĂ­nimo de 6 e mĂĄximo de 10

InscriçÔes: até dia 20 de setembro, por email ou telefone 96 999 30 44.

Perguntas frequentes:

O que vou aprender?

Este workshop vai abordar o processo de feltragem mista (ĂĄgua e sabĂŁo + agulha) que eu utilizo para fazer anĂ©is e pregadeiras ou acessĂłrios para o cabelo sem costuras. Na prĂĄtica vai abarcar a informação incluĂ­da nos cursos digitais “Wet Felti...

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Nuno Felt OBI BELT Workshop - Now Available

Sep 01, 2016

And it’s finally here: the nuno felt obi workshop. Available on etsy!

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Nuno Felt Obi Belt - A Taste Of The Upcoming Online Workshop

Aug 25, 2016

Coming very soon is my new online workshop on how to make a nuno felt obi belt. Today I’d like to share the introduction video with you to give you a taste of what’s coming up.

I’ve opted for a relatively simple project, that’ll make it easy for you to explore the way into nuno felt.

I’d love to know what you think!

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What’s A Pre-Felt? The Q&A Series

Aug 18, 2016

Am I happy to be back!!!

What started out as a couple of technology problems, ended up as a great example of Murphy’s Law. After having taken my tablet – where I store eBooks, notes, my calendar, and all sorts of information – to repair, my Internet stopped working, I had huge difficulties in getting it fixed because it’s August (and everything stops in August), and – last but not least – my laptop started giving me problems.

So, I convinced myself it was time to take it easy, and just let things take care of themselves. And, in the process, I had to skip a week of posting here.

But I’m back to stay! And I’m back with something new. I wanted to try a new format to answer some of the most frequent questions about felt, that don’t require showing a process on video.

So, today I’m going to dive into the following questions:

  • What’s a pre-felt?
  • How do you make it?
  • Why does it matter?

A felted piece that isn’t completely felted is called a pre-felt, so it’s just the stage before ...

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