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The Dodo Blog

Wet felt your baby booties, mittens, jackets & hats!

Jul 12, 2024

Have you noticed the BABY classes are back?

Many of you have been asking to have the baby booties class separately. Youā€™ve also showed interest in having it available ā€œon demandā€, which is understandable, since babies grow fast šŸ˜Š

So, Iā€™ve listened to your requests and created two separate classes: ā€œComfy Baby Booties & Tiny Baby Mittensā€ and ā€œSweet Baby Jacket & Daisy baby Hatā€. Theyā€™re already available and can be purchased at any time.

Theyā€™re now in a DIY version, and the videos and PDFs are downloadable. Just click on the images below to be taken to the course information.

Whether youā€™re planning to enroll in the class or not, hereā€™s some information that may be useful for you.

As I reopened the baby courses to enrolment, it was brought to my attention that some of the designs are not compliant with the safety standards of many countries. I was very grateful for these contacts, since this is something I was previously unaware of.

I decided to do some internet research to un...

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Enrollment For Felted Flower Jewelry & Hair Accessories Now Open

Sep 25, 2021

The NEW online course "Felted Flower Jewelry & Hair Accessories" is now open for registration.

The class begins next Saturday and has a duration of 2 weeks. As usual, you have lifetime access to the course, including all updates, with no extra charge.

If it sounds interesting to you, just click the links to access the details and sign up.

Have any questions? Send me an email and tell me what's on your mind :)

Talk soon!

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NEW Online Wet Felting Class - Flower Jewelry & Hair Accessories

Sep 24, 2021

After finally relaxing from the experience of confinement and COVID, I returned to work at the beginning of September. My 2 weeks break took me to the Camino de Santiago - the Camino Frances - where I was surrounded by Nature and quiet.

Maybe that's what made me want to start felting flowers again :) So, I picked up some of my short video workshops and did a total makeover, converting them into a NEW flower jewelry and hair accessories course.

I had lots of fun exploring shape and color, and I created very simple, as well as more sophisticated flowers.

If you find this an interesting topic, I invite you to take a look at the class details. Registration opens tomorrow, September 25th. The course starts on October 2nd and has the duration of 2 weeks.

Feel free to respond to this email if you have any questions.

Talk soon!

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NEW Online Wet Felting Class - Baby Booties & Jacket

Jul 16, 2021

If you're following my Instagram account, you know that I've been sharing photos of my new baby items for some time :)

The idea of creating more felted pieces for kids has been on my mind for long. I just think it's the perfect medium for babies: soft wool and silk, natural non-toxic fibers, environmentally friendly materials, washable and long lasting products. Just perfect!

In the past I've created workshops on baby hats, play food and - one of my best sellers - baby booties. I wanted to expand this collection with more complex pieces that could also allow me to work with more advanced felting techniques. And that's what I've been preparing for the last couple of months: an online course on how to wet felt your baby's booties and jackets.

This is a 3-week, step-by-step video course, that walks you through all you need to know to felt your baby's booties and jackets in 3 different sizes, 3 design variations and 3 felting techniques. It includes:

  • Booties' downloadable pattern in
  • ...
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Enrollment For The Masterclass Starts Tomorrow

May 14, 2021

Just wanted to let you know you can enroll for the Wet Felted Hats Masterclass from May 15th to May 19th.

The course will start May 22nd and will have a duration of 8 weeks.

If you've been wanting to improve your hat felting skills, stay tuned for the details tomorrow :)

Talk soon!


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Wet Felted Hats Masterclass ā€“ Enrollment Starting In A Few Days

May 12, 2021

As you might know, I created a new course recently: the Wet Felted Hats Masterclass for all of you whoā€™d like to refine your hat making skills.

There was a first edition in February/March, which I launched as a test course. I had built a base structure and invited people to join as Founding Members to help me fully develop the best class possible. So, it grew considerably, since I added new modules, videos and other resources. And now itā€™s ready for the second edition.

The enrollment will start in a few days, so I wanted to let you know what the Masterclass now looks like.


This next edition will include a total of 9 modules, walking you through:

  • How to draw your own patterns with the right size
  • How to modify the base patterns to create new hat shapes
  • How to felt ANY hat WITHOUT a hat block
  • How to felt a hat WITH a hat block
  • How to create the perfect brim
  • How to lay the wool so that you don't have to cut the brim
  • How to embellish the hat surface with nuno felt
  • How to cre
  • ...
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Something I Wish I Knew When I Started Felting

Apr 15, 2021

When I first started wet felting, there where no YouTube videos and barely any books on the subject. I bought everything I could get my hands on and started experimenting. But most things on the market were very simple. So, for the most part, I learnt through trial and error.

One of the topics that nobody was going into in detail was the correct laying of the wool fibers. And, as I see it, thatā€™s probably the most important thing you can learn about in wet felting. Sure, you do get felt no matter how well you lay your wool. But how good is your felt then?

This becomes more important if your piece needs a fair amount of shaping or if youā€™re making clothes, which need to adapt to your body.

So, what is the correct way to lay wool fibers?

First of all, wool for wet felting should be laid according to the shape of the piece. Let me use the example of a circular piece, like a beret. Would you lay your wool like this?


Well, you could. As I was saying, you will get a piece of felt in ...

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The Felted Hats Masterclass Has Grown

Mar 12, 2021

After nearly 4 weeks of the Wet Felted Hats Masterclass, the course has grown considerably.

Iā€™ve been creating short online felting courses since 2016 but planning a masterclass with the goal to cover all the possible challenges you might have when felting a classic hat, drawing patterns with the right measures, and expanding beyond the hats in the course is an entirely different story.

In short, I had never done anything this big. So, I knew it would be a challenge for me. But I love challengesā€¦

This is also the reason it made sense to make it a sort of a ā€œtrialā€ edition: the members invest considerably less than they would in the regular edition, and they get to help me finish building the course. And they know they had a big role to play in the final product.

I have to admit I felt a bit nervous at first. Iā€™m a perfectionist, so I donā€™t feel comfortable delivering an ā€œunfinishedā€ product. But Iā€™m so happy I decided to do things this way. I would never have been able to know all ...

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Wet Felted Hats Masterclass ā€“ The Cart Is Open!

Feb 06, 2021

It's oficial!!!

The cart is now open for the SPECIAL EDITION of theĀ Wet Felted Hats Masterclass.

If you're interested in becoming aĀ FOUNDING MEMBER, it's as easy as clicking theĀ image below. It will take you to a page with all the information about the course. Just follow the instructions from there.


With this edition of the MasterclassĀ you'll get:

  • the EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY toĀ help shape this course
  • to beĀ part of a Facebook groupĀ designed for this edition only
  • a ONE-TIME OFFER ofĀ 50% OFF the priceĀ the course will cost when it's available again.

I'll beĀ asking youĀ to:

  • have the available time toĀ go through the modules every week, as well asĀ review them
  • bear with meĀ if we have anyĀ technical challenges
  • andĀ tell meĀ how I canĀ make your whole experience better.

If you think this is something that might interest you, you'llĀ have to act fast, since:

  • the cart will beĀ open for 7 daysĀ max
  • the number of spots isĀ LIMITED to 20

Please note the cart will close sooner if ...

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Become a Founding Member

Jan 28, 2021

Coming to you from a locked down Lisbon. Canā€™t lie. Not feeling great. And Iā€™m guessing you may not be feeling great either.

But itā€™s time toā€¦ I nearly said ā€˜reactā€™. Instead, itā€™sĀ time to act. Iā€™ve startedĀ going for a jog in the morning again. And Iā€™m slowlyĀ getting back to a routine, as normal as possible.

Meanwhile, Iā€™veĀ been working on something that I promised you a long time ago: the Wet Felted Hats Masterclass. Itā€™s ready and Iā€™m now testing all the connections and technical stuff that must be in place to make things work smoothly. If you havenā€™t had the chance to see what itā€™s about, hereā€™s the link to check it out.

If all the tests Iā€™m doing go well (and Iā€™m expecting they do), itā€™ll beĀ availableĀ for you to buyĀ from January 30thĀ (next Saturday) to February 5th. The course will then beĀ accessible from February 6thĀ and willĀ go on for 5 weeks, during which Iā€™ll beĀ releasing one module per week.


But let me tell you more about this OFFER, since itā€™s the first time Iā€™m doing...

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