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NEW Online Wet Felting Class - Baby Booties & Jacket

Jul 16, 2021

If you're following my Instagram account, you know that I've been sharing photos of my new baby items for some time :)

The idea of creating more felted pieces for kids has been on my mind for long. I just think it's the perfect medium for babies: soft wool and silk, natural non-toxic fibers, environmentally friendly materials, washable and long lasting products. Just perfect!

In the past I've created workshops on baby hats, play food and - one of my best sellers - baby booties. I wanted to expand this collection with more complex pieces that could also allow me to work with more advanced felting techniques. And that's what I've been preparing for the last couple of months: an online course on how to wet felt your baby's booties and jackets.

This is a 3-week, step-by-step video course, that walks you through all you need to know to felt your baby's booties and jackets in 3 different sizes, 3 design variations and 3 felting techniques. It includes:

  • Booties' downloadable pattern in 3 sizes (0 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months and 6 to 9 months)
  • Jackets' downloadable pattern in 3 sizes (0 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months and 6 to 9 months) and in 3 design variations
  • A list of online suppliers all over the globe, as well as lots of extra tips and resources
  • How to do the wool layout without having to cut the edges
  • How to nuno felt a piece of clothing
  • How to felt a reversible piece
  • How to apply sheep curls to create a curly faux fur texture
  • How to apply pre-felt to decorate felted surfaces
  • How to apply yarn to decorate felted surfaces
  • How to close a jacket with a felted cord
  • Step-by-step instructions (nothing's left out)
  • Feedback and support from me during the 3 weeks of the course

As always, there'll be a private Facebook group for the members to discuss ideas, share photos and ask questions. You also get lifetime access to the class, including all future updates.

The enrollment for this class starts tomorrow (July 17th). You can check all the details here.

Talk soon!


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