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The Dodo Blog

What are participants felting inside The Dodo Hub?

Jan 28, 2025

So you had a look at the program, and now youā€™re thinking ā€œYes, one technique a month. But what do we really felt inside THE DODO HUB?ā€

I get that it may not be totally clear to you, so let me help you with that.

First, above there's a short video of some of the beautiful pieces made by the participants in the first months of THE DODO HUB to show you what youā€™ll be working on.

I want you to feel supported and that youā€™re in the right place, no matter where you are on your felting journey. So, THE DODO HUB adapts to the students and not the other way around.

Let me show you how, based on the example of module #1, Geometric Patterns. Itā€™s planned like this:

  • Week 1: Making samples (experiment with different techniques)
  • Week 2: Making a bag (applying the techniques in 3D)
  • Week 3: Making a rug (in Nomad technique)
  • Week 4: Main takeaways + develop your own project

You can approach this module (or any other module) any way you want:

  • Follow the suggested sequence in one month o
  • ...
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The enrollment for THE DODO HUB is now open!

Jan 25, 2025

If youā€™ve been waiting to enroll in THE DODO HUB, Iā€™ve got good news! TheĀ registration is open as of now.


Are you new to the DODO world, and not sure what THE DODO HUB is?

  • Itā€™s a comprehensive year-long program designed to take you from the intermediate level to an advanced and independent felt maker.
  • Every month you get a module that gives you a deep understanding of a complex wet felting technique.
  • You have the chance to felt multiple projects for each technique, share and discuss them in the community, as well as get feedback and support from me.


But thereā€™s much more to THE DODO HUB. Have a look at this page to get all the details. And, as always, Iā€™m here to answer any questions you may have. Just send me an email and let me know how I can help.

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A detailed tutorial on how to make fine and flexible felt

Jan 17, 2025

Last week we spoke about a couple of misconceptions and some tips to avoid making your felt too stiff. If you havenā€™t read that blog post, I recommend you start there, since itā€™s part of a video series Iā€™m recording for you on this topic.

And if youā€™re stuck in your felting journey and donā€™t know what to do next, Iā€™ve created a guide to help you. You can download it here.

Today weā€™re going to see how we can apply last weekā€™s tips in a practical way. So, weā€™ll be making a piece of flat felt. In other words, a sample.

So, get some merino wool and letā€™s do this. All you need to do is follow the instructions in the video.



P.S.: Make sure you come back next week, since weā€™ll go on diving deep into this topic.

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Create delightful Christmas ornaments (and recycle you felt leftovers)

Nov 10, 2024


I belong to a small felt club that gets together once a month via Zoom to felt in a group setting.

In our December meeting, the suggestion was that we create seasonal pieces. We usually felt 3D/sculptural items, and that was planned for December as well. But even though we work on a certain topic each month, we do have much creative freedom in the group. So, this time I thought of doing something slightly different.

I have tons of felt leftovers from many projects along the years, and I wanted to do something seasonal by recycling what I already had, instead of producing something entirely new. These bits accumulate with time, and it bothers me to see so much material not be used.

So, I gathered the thicker white felt leftovers (some of which was Nuno felt, which made it even more interesting), as well as some fun ā€œChristmassyā€ templates I also already had from past projects. And, without having a clear initial idea, I started cutting the flat felt i...

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Participate in the creation of the class materials and get 20% off the 1st edition

Jul 26, 2024

Iā€™m working on a new class that is meant to help felt makers go all the way (smoothly) from total beginner to intermediate. If youā€™ve recently started wet felting or youā€™ve been felting for a while, but still feel like there are many gaps in your knowledge, this may be for you.

But Iā€™ll need some time until I can offer it, since I havenā€™t created it yet. Iā€™m working on the class outline for now. And Iā€™d like to invite you to participate in the creation of the class materials. JustĀ click here or on the image below to access the list of topics. Please let me know which ones are important to you and what you think may still be missing.

Just a last note: Iā€™m considering an intermediate felter, someone who knows all the fundamentals, and is able to confidently felt on a resist, knows how to add fiber, fabric and other materials for embellishment and texture. All this while achieving high quality felt.

Thank you for taking a moment to answer the questions! To show you my appreciation for ...

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Wet felt your baby booties, mittens, jackets & hats!

Jul 12, 2024

Have you noticed the BABY classes are back?

Many of you have been asking to have the baby booties class separately. Youā€™ve also showed interest in having it available ā€œon demandā€, which is understandable, since babies grow fast šŸ˜Š

So, Iā€™ve listened to your requests and created two separate classes: ā€œComfy Baby Booties & Tiny Baby Mittensā€ and ā€œSweet Baby Jacket & Daisy baby Hatā€. Theyā€™re already available and can be purchased at any time.

Theyā€™re now in a DIY version, and the videos and PDFs are downloadable. Just click on the images below to be taken to the course information.

Whether youā€™re planning to enroll in the class or not, hereā€™s some information that may be useful for you.

As I reopened the baby courses to enrolment, it was brought to my attention that some of the designs are not compliant with the safety standards of many countries. I was very grateful for these contacts, since this is something I was previously unaware of.

I decided to do some internet research to un...

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How to use prefelts

May 11, 2024

I think the importance of prefelts in wet felting is sometimes underestimated. Prefelts are extremely useful and thereā€™s no end to how you can apply them in your wet felting projects. So, mastering how to make them exactly as you want for a particular piece can massively improve your work.

Letā€™s have a look at some of the many ways prefelts can be used, as well as a couple of tips to apply them successfully.



In most cases, nuno felted pieces decorated with crisp designs are created with prefelts. But prefelts are a bit more difficult to attach to silk than unfelted wool.

So, to make it work, you need to:

  • use thin prefelts,
  • felt slowly and gently,
  • and work with cold water,

to give the wool fibers time to migrate into the silk.

The most effective felting technique in this case is sanding, since it creates a lot of pressure, that accelerates the fiber migration through the fabric.

If you run into issues, and some parts of your prefelts arenā€™t a...

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Q&A: Prefelts

May 05, 2024

As you may know, Iā€™ve been working on a blog series about prefelts. Iā€™ve started by going into what prefelts are, as well as explaining the differences between commercial and handmade prefelts.

The next post in the series dealt with what you need to pay attention to when making prefelts to use in other projects.

And Iā€™ll finish this collection next week by going deeper into how you can use prefelts, what type of projects you can use them for, as well as the best felting techniques for making them.

But, before that, I wanted to answer the questions that I received from you about this topic. So, today weā€™ll have a format thatā€™s a bit different from what I usually do: a simple Q&A.


Q: I am very curious about prefelts - especially as a new wet felter. When is something prefelt? Or what is the prefelt stage? Ā Iā€™d like to create some prefelt in order to place onto my work and felt everything together. How do I do that?

A: A prefelt is any stage between the moment (in the felting ...

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How to make your own prefelts

Apr 13, 2024

As weā€™ve seen last week, a prefelt is a partially felted piece of wool felt. That means, itā€™s made in the exact same way as a piece of felt. The only difference is the degree to which itā€™s compacted.

I usually make my prefelts by wet felting Merino tops. For some projects, I have also needle felted wool batts. This second method is a way of imitating the industrial prefelts. But I find itā€™s only a good option for small projects.


What do you need to pay attention to when making a prefelt to use in other projects?

1. Evenness

Itā€™s important to create your prefelts with an even thickness. If this is difficult for you, start by training your layout skills.

Do you need help with this? You can find everything you need to train your layout skills in the blog post ā€œResources To Help You Perfect Your Layoutā€. (Click link or image to access!)

2. Thickness

The thickness of your prefelt will depend on which projects youā€™ll be applying it to.

If your goal is to use it to create any kin...

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What are prefelts? Commercial vs. handmade prefelts

Apr 06, 2024

Years ago, I wrote a couple of blog posts about prefelts, but there are many details I didnā€™t mention back then. Since I still get a lot of questions about the topic, I thought it would make sense to write a new, more complete and up to date series.

This first part caters to new felt makers, who I know are often a bit confused about prefelts.

If youā€™re more experienced, this won't be new to you. But, as I explore the topic further, there'll be more details that may be useful for you too. So, I recommend keeping an eye on the rest of the series, if this is a topic that interests you.

Weā€™ll start by looking at what prefelts are, and then talk about how and when to use them. So, let's dive in!



As the name suggests, a prefelt is a partially felted piece of wool felt. In other words, itā€™s simply a stage in the wet felting process before the fibers fully compact.

That, of course, means a prefelt can be further felted. And that is precisely why prefelts are so inte...

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