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The Dodo Blog

Whatā€™s inside the Baby Special Edition?

Mar 17, 2025

This is a question I know youā€™re asking yourself: Is the Baby Special Edition worth it?

Thatā€™s, of course, something only you can decide. But skimming through the class description will only give you a general idea. So, Iā€™ve made a video to show you exactly whatā€™s inside the ā€œbaby packageā€.

Itā€™s divided into 4 parts: Ā 

Part 1 includes the step-by-step video instructions, that walk you through all you need to know to felt your baby's jacket in 3 design variations and 3 sizes to keep up with your babyā€™s growth. Youā€™ll get:

  • 5 PDFs with the pattern in 3 sizes (0 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months and 6 to 9 months) and the 3 design variations
  • PDF with the instructions on how to use the patterns
  • PDF with introduction to the course
  • PDF with video transcripts
  • 12 downloadable videosĀ 

In Part 2 you get the step-by-step video instructions showing you how to make a baby hat in 6 sizes that you can change in color and shape to create different designs. Youā€™ll get:

  • PDF with pattern in 6 si...
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Special price for a limited time

Mar 15, 2025

Today Iā€™m bringing you something special, the Baby Special Edition.

Usually, you can only get these classes separately.

Now, for a limited time, Iā€™m combining theĀ Sweet Baby Jacket & Daisy Baby Hat with theĀ Comfy Baby Booties & Tiny Baby Mittens in one package. In other words, you get 2 for the price of 1.

If youā€™re interested in felting baby items as gifts for family members, friends or to sell, thisĀ Baby Special Edition is for you.

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Wet felt your baby booties, mittens, jackets & hats!

Jul 12, 2024

Have you noticed the BABY classes are back?

Many of you have been asking to have the baby booties class separately. Youā€™ve also showed interest in having it available ā€œon demandā€, which is understandable, since babies grow fast šŸ˜Š

So, Iā€™ve listened to your requests and created two separate classes: ā€œComfy Baby Booties & Tiny Baby Mittensā€ and ā€œSweet Baby Jacket & Daisy baby Hatā€. Theyā€™re already available and can be purchased at any time.

Theyā€™re now in a DIY version, and the videos and PDFs are downloadable. Just click on the images below to be taken to the course information.

Whether youā€™re planning to enroll in the class or not, hereā€™s some information that may be useful for you.

As I reopened the baby courses to enrolment, it was brought to my attention that some of the designs are not compliant with the safety standards of many countries. I was very grateful for these contacts, since this is something I was previously unaware of.

I decided to do some internet research to un...

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"How I Felt" - a must have wet felting book

Dec 08, 2023

If youā€™ve been in my felting world for some time, youā€™ve heard me talking about this book for sure. Itā€™s one of my absolute favorites in my collection.

If youā€™ve just recently discovered my blog, and youā€™re as obsessed about felting books as I am, thereā€™s still time to add it to your Christmas presents wish list :)

Iā€™m talking about ā€œHow I Feltā€, a book about the work of the late Christine Birkle.

There are many felt makers I admire. But after over 20 years of looking at other artistsā€™ work, Christine Birkle is still number one for me.

She founded the label HUT UP in Berlin in the 90s and was an absolute pioneer of modern wet felting. She has created many of the designs that inspired much of what is currently around in our field.

I was extremely lucky to have come across her work in Berlin in the early 2000s and have spent many hours admiring her pieces live in her shop in Berlin.

Iā€™ve always been fascinated by Christineā€™s use of color and transparency, and the way she ma...

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Wet felting book review

Oct 21, 2023

"Filzen: Alte Tradition, Modernes Handwerk" (German version)

"Felt: New Directions for an Ancient Craft" (English version)

by Gunilla Paetau Sjƶberg

This might be the best book about wet felting I have. And I do have many šŸ˜Š

Itā€™s over 20 years old, it doesnā€™t have amazing photos and it has a lot of text. So, it might not be the first book to grab your attention when you look at my bookshelf.

I have it in German, but thereā€™s also an English version.

So then, what makes it so special?

I think itā€™s the most complete wet felting book Iā€™ve ever seen. I could call it a felting encyclopedia.

Letā€™s have a look inside, so that you can see what I mean.

It starts with an incredibly complete History of felt and it covers different felting traditions found in Europe and Asia: from hat making in Hungary and shepherd coats in Turkey, to the felt masks worn by the Vikings, and socks and shoes made in Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

It then dives into felting techniques from other cultures: ...

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Enrollment For Felted Flower Jewelry & Hair Accessories Now Open

Sep 25, 2021

The NEW online course "Felted Flower Jewelry & Hair Accessories" is now open for registration.

The class begins next Saturday and has a duration of 2 weeks. As usual, you have lifetime access to the course, including all updates, with no extra charge.

If it sounds interesting to you, just click the links to access the details and sign up.

Have any questions? Send me an email and tell me what's on your mind :)

Talk soon!

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NEW Online Wet Felting Class - Flower Jewelry & Hair Accessories

Sep 24, 2021

After finally relaxing from the experience of confinement and COVID, I returned to work at the beginning of September. My 2 weeks break took me to the Camino de Santiago - the Camino Frances - where I was surrounded by Nature and quiet.

Maybe that's what made me want to start felting flowers again :) So, I picked up some of my short video workshops and did a total makeover, converting them into a NEW flower jewelry and hair accessories course.

I had lots of fun exploring shape and color, and I created very simple, as well as more sophisticated flowers.

If you find this an interesting topic, I invite you to take a look at the class details. Registration opens tomorrow, September 25th. The course starts on October 2nd and has the duration of 2 weeks.

Feel free to respond to this email if you have any questions.

Talk soon!

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Wet Felted Hats Masterclass ā€“ The Cart Is Open!

Feb 06, 2021

It's oficial!!!

The cart is now open for the SPECIAL EDITION of theĀ Wet Felted Hats Masterclass.

If you're interested in becoming aĀ FOUNDING MEMBER, it's as easy as clicking theĀ image below. It will take you to a page with all the information about the course. Just follow the instructions from there.


With this edition of the MasterclassĀ you'll get:

  • the EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY toĀ help shape this course
  • to beĀ part of a Facebook groupĀ designed for this edition only
  • a ONE-TIME OFFER ofĀ 50% OFF the priceĀ the course will cost when it's available again.

I'll beĀ asking youĀ to:

  • have the available time toĀ go through the modules every week, as well asĀ review them
  • bear with meĀ if we have anyĀ technical challenges
  • andĀ tell meĀ how I canĀ make your whole experience better.

If you think this is something that might interest you, you'llĀ have to act fast, since:

  • the cart will beĀ open for 7 daysĀ max
  • the number of spots isĀ LIMITED to 20

Please note the cart will close sooner if ...

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Become a Founding Member

Jan 28, 2021

Coming to you from a locked down Lisbon. Canā€™t lie. Not feeling great. And Iā€™m guessing you may not be feeling great either.

But itā€™s time toā€¦ I nearly said ā€˜reactā€™. Instead, itā€™sĀ time to act. Iā€™ve startedĀ going for a jog in the morning again. And Iā€™m slowlyĀ getting back to a routine, as normal as possible.

Meanwhile, Iā€™veĀ been working on something that I promised you a long time ago: the Wet Felted Hats Masterclass. Itā€™s ready and Iā€™m now testing all the connections and technical stuff that must be in place to make things work smoothly. If you havenā€™t had the chance to see what itā€™s about, hereā€™s the link to check it out.

If all the tests Iā€™m doing go well (and Iā€™m expecting they do), itā€™ll beĀ availableĀ for you to buyĀ from January 30thĀ (next Saturday) to February 5th. The course will then beĀ accessible from February 6thĀ and willĀ go on for 5 weeks, during which Iā€™ll beĀ releasing one module per week.


But let me tell you more about this OFFER, since itā€™s the first time Iā€™m doing...

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How To Make FELT GLOVES - Now Available

Jan 26, 2017


How about learning to felt a pair of gloves, that you can make in any size and color you want?

Plus, you can decorate them with any felted pattern, embroider them or sew lace, buttons, crochet flowers or anything else youā€™d like to play with, to really make them your own!

In this workshop, Iā€™ll be showing you how to do exactly that. Youā€™ll learn to make a pair of gloves in two different colors and apply curls on them. Iā€™ll also show you how you can make your own pattern for any size you want.

The complete workshop is available at my Etsy shop. Youā€™ll getĀ 9 downloadable HD videos, and a PDF with the template, all of which you can save onto your computer, to return to any time you want.

Check out the introduction!

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