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The Dodo Blog

Felt Slippers – Wet Felting Tutorial

Apr 04, 2018

Felt your own wool slippers without having to rely on the scattered information from the Internet any more. Here’s a workshop that’ll give you the step-by-step instructions, with all the details you need to wet felt adult slippers.

Sound good?

I’ve had several requests to create a workshop on how to wet felt slippers for adults. Of course the possibilities are endless, be it in terms of how you shape the felt shoes or how you decorate them.

So, I gave it some thought, before I decided to produce a first workshop about slippers, because I wanted to give you the biggest benefit possible. I wanted to create a workshop that could give you the basics, so that you can develop your own creations from here.

And I ended up going back to the model I used to make and sell years ago. There are a couple of reasons for that:

  • They are colorful (at least, I make them colorful 😊)
  • They can be worn by both men and women
  • The decoration I suggest is simple, so they’re easy to customize
  • There’s no...
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Felt Flower Ring & Flower Brooch Tutorial – Spring Sale

Mar 22, 2018

Spring is here! And with it the blue skies, the warm days spent outside, the flowers, brighter colors…

To celebrate, I’m joining the World of Etsy Sales Event, March 22-29. Visit my Etsy shop and get the tutorials on Spring jewelry, all of them with a 25% discount.

Spreading Spring Songs 😊


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Felt Is Hygge :)

Mar 14, 2018

What is hygge?

Hygge is a Danish word that has no direct translation.

The Oxford Dictionary defines it as:

[noun] A quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture)

Hygge is…

… having brunch with friends.

Hygge is…

… cuddling up on the sofa on a rainy day.

Hygge is…

… enjoying a hot cocoa while it snows outside.

Hygge is…

… reading a book in bed on a Sunday morning.

Hygge is…

… listening to the crackling sounds of the fireplace.

And hygge is…

… wearing a beautiful, soft pair of wool slippers felted by YOU.



Photo credits in order of appearance:



Lullaby – Yung Logos


More on hygge:


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Baby Hat Daisy – NEW Wet Felting Tutorial

Mar 01, 2018

So, you’d like to learn how to felt hats for your kids 🙂 Then this is the right workshop for you.

After this workshop, you’ll be able to customize the hats by changing the size and the color. And, once you get the hang of it, you can also make them in any shape you want.

It gives you the instructions for 6 different head sizes, from 33 cm (newborn) to 51 cm.

This is an intermediate level workshop, so you should have some experience and feel confident with the wool already.

You’ll be felting around a resist, and the project should take you about 3 to 4 hours to complete.

You’ll need the usual equipment to wet felt, plus a white wool batt (around 100 grams), a white and a yellow wool top (around 50 grams each).

With this workshop you’ll get 8 downloadable high-definition videos, and 2 PDFs, all of which you can save in your computer, and return to any time you want.

You’ll learn:

  1. How to make the resist for the right size
  2. Which is the best material to make your resist
  3. How to a...
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Last day of Etsy’s Ciber Week Sales

Nov 30, 2017

Today’s the last day of Etsy’s Ciber Week Sale. This is the last chance to get original, handmade Christmas presents for a great price, while supporting Etsy sellers at the same time!

And Going The Dodo Way has a discount of up to 50% on all tutorials and workshops.

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Holiday Season Sale!

Nov 20, 2017

Just a quick post to let you know that Going The Dodo Way has joined the ETSY HOLIDAY SEASON SALE.

From today until December 1, you can get any workshop for a sales price of up to 50%.



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New Online Video Workshop – How To Wet Felt Play Fruit

Oct 31, 2017

I’ve been working on this online course for some time, and I’m happy to announce, it is now available in my Etsy shop.

If you’re familiar with my workshops, you’ll find this one very different from the ones I’ve created before. Instead of teaching you how to make a particular piece, my goal here is to talk about one theme – in this case, play fruit – in a very comprehensive way.

The idea is to enable you to create other similar pieces, based on what you learn here. So, more than a workshop, this is a course for beginners.

That’s why I’ve also added a bonus PDF, that’ll give you the chance to learn some of the basics, if you’re entirely new to felting.

What’s included in the course?

  1. Introduction (1 video)
  2. Materials And Equipment (1 PDF)
  3. Making The Pre-Felts (1 video)
  4. Using Wool Leftovers To Fill New Felt Pieces (1 video)
  5. Oranges, mandarins and lemons (3 videos)
  6. Peaches and plums (3 videos)
  7. Strawberries, cherries, blackberries and mulberries (4 videos)
  8. Apples and pears (3 v
  9. ...
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How To Download The Video Workshops On ETSY

Jul 27, 2017

I now know that several people have had problems finding the password for downloading the videos when they’ve bought a video workshop in my Etsy shop. So, I thought it would make sense to write a short post to make your downloads easier.

So, here’s how buying a digital item on Etsy works. After you’ve paid for your workshop, you get immediate access to all the PDFs included in the tutorial. But Etsy doesn’t allow sellers to upload videos, so the only way is to upload them on another website. I use Vimeo for this.

That means that every video tutorial has at least one PDF with the downloading instructions. It starts with a short text about the workshop, followed by a photo of the item you’ll learn to felt and the Vimeo links. STRAIGHT AFTER THE LINKS YOU FIND THE PASSWORD. So, you’ll have to scroll down to the end of the document to find it. But it’s there. I promise!

So, summing it up:

  1. Download the PDF.
  2. Click on each link in the PDF and a new window will open in your browser.
  3. ...
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The New Video Felting Tutorial On The ENGLISH ROSE BROOCH Is Out

Jun 15, 2017

The video workshop on the English Rose Brooch is available in my Etsy shop as of today. If you are more of a visual person, this is definitely the best option.

If you’d like to know more about the workshop, check out the video introduction.

Are you on the Dodo email list? If so, you’ll be getting an email shortly with a coupon code you can use in the next two weeks. It’ll give you access to 25% off not only on the new video workshop, but on any product in the shop. Enjoy!

You might have noticed I haven’t posted last week. The thing is I’m in the middle of moving to a new apartment, so I have a lot going on. This means I won’t be posting as often during the summer, but I promise to bring you something new whenever it’s possible.

Meanwhile, you can keep in touch through email.

Talk to you soon!


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The ENGLISH ROSE BROOCH Video Workshop - Now Available

May 24, 2017

About two months ago I published the English Rose PDF tutorial. But if you prefer seeing how all the details are made, there’s a huge advantage in video. And that’s why I’m now releasing the English Rose Video Workshop.

Here’s the introduction, to give you a taste of what you can expect.

The English Rose is a flower that has been designed primarily to be applied on brooches. But you can use it for hair accessories or anything else you might think of. And, of course, you can make bigger or smaller versions of it.

What’s particular about this workshop is that you’ll be learning how to wet felt a flower that is extremely light weight, but resistant at the same time. And that’s all due to this mix technique (needle and wet felting) and the wool type I use.

This is an intermediate level workshop, so you should have experience felting and feel confident with the wool already. The project should take you about 3 to 4 hours to complete.

You’ll need the usual equipment to wet felt, plus a ...

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