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The Dodo Blog

Update On Felting Suppliers

Aug 13, 2020

Sharing tips, ideas, and experiences from felters who write me emails telling me about their felting projects has been on my mind for a long time.

It's so rewarding to hear from you, whether it's about something you created based on one of my tutorials or just to chat about felt. And I'm always thinking "Wouldn't it be great to have a space where we could all talk to each other".

Finding a way to exchange experiences about the things we love is becoming more important every day, especially in these times we're living. So, I'm looking for the best solution for that. But, in the meantime, I'd just love to encourage you to email me things youā€™d like to share.

Today I'll be doing exactly that: sharing great information I got as an answer to one of my recent posts.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about how to choose your felting suppliers. And I ended the post asking you to send me any recommendations you might have, if you've had a good experience with any shop.

Well, I got an a...

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Felting Suppliers I Recommend

Jul 16, 2020

Iā€™m often asked who I recommend in terms of suppliers for felting materials.

My first recommendation would always be toĀ find a good one near you, a brick and mortar store, where you can see and touch the wool before you buy.

But, not all of us have good felting suppliers around the corner. In fact, depending on where you live, itā€™s often difficult to find a local shop that carries the big diversity of materials you need for more sophisticated felting projects.

So, most of the times, we have to resort to online stores.

Even for online suppliers, Iā€™d still recommend finding one as close to home as possible.Ā Thatā€™ll mean less money spent on shipping, and itā€™s also better for the environment.

Next, Iā€™dĀ look into the variety they offer and how dependable they are when you need advice on the best wool for a particular project.

Another important factor is the shipping time.Ā If you need materials for a project you want to finish soon, waiting a long time until the wool arrives on your do...

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The 7 Pieces Of Felting Equipment I Can't Live Without

Apr 16, 2020

Iā€™mĀ not the kind of person that buys all types of equipmentĀ when I start a hobby. Even though Iā€™ve been felting for 15 years, thereā€™s still so much I havenā€™t bought, and I probably never will. AndĀ much of the equipment I have invested in, have been purchases Iā€™ve made in the last 3 or 4 years.

I know itā€™s easy to get excited about all the products for felting offered online, butĀ you really donā€™t need much to wet felt. When I started, I really only had the basics. First, I didnā€™t want to spend money on something I wasnā€™t sure Iā€™d be doing for a long time. And also, because I thinkĀ the magic of felting is exactly the fact thatĀ ā€“ unlike in so many other textile techniques ā€“Ā you nearly only need your bare hands and wool to create an object.

But, since it was quickly clear to me that Iā€™d go on felting for a very long time, Iā€™ve slowly started getting equipment that makes my life easier, makes me work faster and with less physical effort, and gives my pieces more precision and quality. Of ...

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What Is What In Felting

Apr 02, 2020

Are you going crazy with the ā€˜what is whatā€™ in terms of the wool for felting?

I do my best to avoid insider lingo, but the truth is thereā€™s no escaping. Youā€™ll just have to learn a couple of new terms when it comes to this. Otherwise you risk not getting the right materials for your projects. So here is some of the terminology youā€™re bound to hear if youā€™re taking on felting:

Raw fleeceĀ is what you call the wool when itā€™s right off the animal and unwashed (that means dirty and greasy). This is not something you can normally get, unless you buy directly from a sheep farm.

Scoured fleeceĀ has been washed to remove lanolin and dirt, but it still has the lock structure. I use it to fill pillows or for dollā€™s hair, for example.

Wool batts, wool batting or carded woolĀ is very similar to quilt batting. Itā€™s the result of removing the debris from the wool with a machine that breaks up the lock structure, and then going through the carding machine. The carder brushes and blends the fibers ...

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Tools & NEW Workshops

Feb 13, 2019

Itā€™s been quite some time since my last post, and some of you have been asking when the next update will be. Itā€™s true that this isnā€™t how things have been in the past in my blog, so here is the reason.

Without going too much into my private life, a lot of stuff has changed for me personally and professionally in the last one and a half years. This means that regularly posting twice a month just isnā€™t possible for me right now, as much as I would love to have more time to create new videos and new courses. And I only want to post when I find I have something valuable to share with you.

The last thing that would cross my mind is to give up on felting, blogging and sharing what I know with you. So, the show will go on, just not as regularly as it used to be.

Having said that, I hope you will still find it worth it to hear from me šŸ˜Š and Iā€™ll jump right into todayā€™s topic.

Iā€™d like to show you what Iā€™ve been working on, and what I want to experiment with next.


Today I got

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Where I Buy My Felting Supplies

Jan 18, 2017


Iā€™m often asked where I buy my felting supplies, because itā€™s not always easy to find a good variety at local shops.

I also know that specific felting supplies is one of the topics I want to talk more about in the near future. So, Iā€™ve created a new video series, called ā€˜Felting Infosā€˜, designed to help you with any questions regarding this topic.

In this first video Iā€™ll go through the suppliers I buy from and why Iā€™ve chosen them.

I hope this video is useful and Iā€™d like to invite you to share any other information you have on good online shops, that can be helpful for feltmakers looking for new suppliers.

And if you happen to have any questions on this (like what soap to use, hot water VS cold water, ā€¦), send themĀ to me or mention themĀ in the comments, and Iā€™ll answer themĀ in one of my next videos.

See you soon!

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