It covered how to make resists for shoes, clothes, hats, bags, gloves and vessels in all sorts of shapes.
It was well received and fun to teach. But, next, I started focusing more on 3D felting and so, I haven't come back to this class since.
Lately, I’ve had people asking about it, so I’m considering teaching it again.
This time, my idea would be to make separate classes for each of the topics (shoes, clothes, hats and vessels), but to go into a bit more detail. For example, I’m thinking about covering things like the ideal fiber for each type of piece.
Before I redesign the classes, I’d like to see how much interest there is. So, if this sounds like something you’d be interested in, could you email me or send me a message on social media, answering these two questions?
This is a question I know you’re asking yourself: Is the Baby Special Edition worth it?
That’s, of course, something only you can decide. But skimming through the class description will only give you a general idea. So, I’ve made a video to show you exactly what’s inside the “baby package”.
It’s divided into 4 parts: Â
Part 1 includes the step-by-step video instructions, that walk you through all you need to know to felt your baby's jacket in 3 design variations and 3 sizes to keep up with your baby’s growth. You’ll get:
In Part 2 you get the step-by-step video instructions showing you how to make a baby hat in 6 sizes that you can change in color and shape to create different designs. You’ll get:
Today I’m bringing you something special, the Baby Special Edition.
Usually, you can only get these classes separately.
Now, for a limited time, I’m combining the Sweet Baby Jacket & Daisy Baby Hat with the Comfy Baby Booties & Tiny Baby Mittens in one package. In other words, you get 2 for the price of 1.
If you’re interested in felting baby items as gifts for family members, friends or to sell, this Baby Special Edition is for you.
So you had a look at the program, and now you’re thinking “Yes, one technique a month. But what do we really felt inside THE DODO HUB?”
I get that it may not be totally clear to you, so let me help you with that.
First, above there's a short video of some of the beautiful pieces made by the participants in the first months of THE DODO HUB to show you what you’ll be working on.
I want you to feel supported and that you’re in the right place, no matter where you are on your felting journey. So, THE DODO HUB adapts to the students and not the other way around.
Let me show you how, based on the example of module #1, Geometric Patterns. It’s planned like this:
You can approach this module (or any other module) any way you want:
If you’ve been waiting to enroll in THE DODO HUB, I’ve got good news! The registration is open as of now.
Are you new to the DODO world, and not sure what THE DODO HUB is?
But there’s much more to THE DODO HUB. Have a look at this page to get all the details. And, as always, I’m here to answer any questions you may have. Just send me an email and let me know how I can help.
Are you looking for an original gift for someone who loves wet felting?
Look no further! Now, you can also purchase ANY of these classes as a gift for someone you love.
How does this work?
1. Click the links below to go to each course page.
2. Click the BUY NOW button to be taken to the checkout page.
3. On the checkout page, select SEND AS A GIFT.
4. This will open up a gift menu, where you’ll enter the EMAIL ADDRESS of the person you’re sending this present to. You can also add a GIFT MESSAGE if you’d like, as well as SCHEDULE THE GIFT DELIVERY.
5. Then fill out the checkout form with your information and payment details and complete the purchase.
What will your gift recipient see?
6. Once the gift has been delivered to the recipient's email inbox, they must click the email and accept the gift. Once the gift has been accepted, they will be prompted to create a login and...
When I created THE DODO HUB, my year-long program, in 2023, many felt makers said that one year was too long for them. But they were interested in some of the topics covered in the program.
So, to give everyone the chance to participate, I started offering some of the classes separately. You’d get access to the class materials for 3 months and have a private Facebook group where you could ask questions and share photos of your work.
But many people aren’t on FB anymore and, to tell you the truth, I’m not happy with FB either. So, I’ve spent some time creating a better solution. And that’s what I have for you today. Plus, I’m offering it to you for a special price right now.
The registration for 4 classes is open as of today.
And, from now on, you get life-time access. So, you don’t have to worry if you can’t go through the materials in the next couple of months. You can take the classes whenever you want.
You also don’t have to be on Facebook anymore. You can get support f...
You may have seen the images of my anise pod and have been curious about how the shape is created. If that’s the case, I have good news. The class is available again!
About one year ago I opened this course for registration for the first time.
As you may know, I initially created it as part of the lessons on book resists in the THE DODO HUB annual program. But the particular shape of the piece caused curiosity, so I decided to open it up for non-members of TDH as well.
The registration is open until Friday (October 4th).
You’ll not only be learning how to wet felt this beautiful seed pod, but you’ll also learn to design a book resist for your own project.
If it sounds interesting to you, but you have questions that aren’t covered on the course page, send me an email and let me know how I can help.
If you’ve been waiting to enroll in THE DODO HUB, I’ve got good news. It’s open and you can sign up as of now!
And, if you happen to be new to the Dodo world, and you’re not sure what THE DODO HUB is, you can check all the details here.
But, before you check the details, let me tell you who THE DODO HUB is for.
Let’s say you’ve been a felt maker for some years now, but …
I’m working on a new class that is meant to help felt makers go all the way (smoothly) from total beginner to intermediate. If you’ve recently started wet felting or you’ve been felting for a while, but still feel like there are many gaps in your knowledge, this may be for you.
But I’ll need some time until I can offer it, since I haven’t created it yet. I’m working on the class outline for now. And I’d like to invite you to participate in the creation of the class materials. Just click here or on the image below to access the list of topics. Please let me know which ones are important to you and what you think may still be missing.
Just a last note: I’m considering an intermediate felter, someone who knows all the fundamentals, and is able to confidently felt on a resist, knows how to add fiber, fabric and other materials for embellishment and texture. All this while achieving high quality felt.
Thank you for taking a moment to answer the questions! To show you my appreciation for ...
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