In the last video, we had a look at how we can create a fine and flexible felt using only Merino wool. And today we’re going to see what happens when we add viscose fiber to our fine Merino.
For our experiment to make sense, we’re going to use the same 30cm x 30cm template and we’re also going to use 6g of fiber.
If you can remember, in the last video we used 6g of Merino to create our sample. And what we’re going to do today is use 6g of fiber again, but we’re going to have 4g of wool and 2g of viscose. Ok?
If you’d like to do this sample with me, get your materials, and just follow the instructions in the video.
Be sure to check out the differences between the two samples: the one made with only Merino, and the one where I added the viscose.
And if you’re not very familiar with the type of layout I use in this video (chevron layout), you can download a PDF with all the details about all the main layouts used in wet felting here.
I’ll see you next week, when we go through the third and final example of how to make fine and flexible felt.
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