€129,00 EUR

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Sweet Baby Jacket & Daisy Baby Hat

Felt your own baby jacket & baby hat with extra-fine Merino wool, soft and delicate, like your baby's skin. Washable and resistant - felted to be practical and durable. Keep your little one warm and stylish with 100% natural, non-allergic and eco-friendly clothing.


What you’ll learn

  • How to avoid soaking the piece while felting
  • How to apply the right amount of soap to the piece
  • How to work with thin wool layers for better results
  • Why it’s a good idea to mix wool batts with wool tops
  • How to get precise edges without having to cut them
  • How to avoid getting ridges on the resist edge
  • How to nuno felt a piece of clothing
  • How to felt a reversible piece
  • How to apply sheep curls to create a faux fur texture
  • How to apply pre-felt to decorate felted surfaces
  • How to apply yarn to decorate felted surfaces
  • How to add a felted cord to close a jacket
  • How to give the hat the perfect shape without a hat block